Sunday, June 6, 2010

About Jatropha curcas L.

Here is my thoughts about Jatropha curcas L.

Do you know about jatropha curcas??

Jatropha curcas or jarak pagar or physic nuts is a drought resistent species which is widely cultivated in the tropics as a living fence. Why?? because jatropha is a small perennial tree or shrub from the family Euphorbiaceae. Its oil come from their seeds which is rich of oil with excellent properties as a bio-fuel that can be processed into bio-diesel.

Jatropha curcas actually originated from Mexico and Central America, but now a days, it was introduced in all tropical regions and some subtropical regions like Florida and South Africa. It is cultivated throughout the Malesian region, though especially in the drier areas. Jatropha cannot growth in the water logged area, but if it growth, it will die after that.

Goldman Sachs recently cited Jatropha curcas as one of the best candidates for future bio-diesel production. Jatropha curcas is the future expectation for the renewable oil or substitute oil maybe for oil palm and so on. However, despite its abundance and use as an oil and reclamation plant, none of the Jatropha species have been properly domesticated and, as a result, its productivity is variable, and the long-term impact of its large-scale use on soil quality and the environment is unknown. By the way, many projects and research are still running to make sure and to get the confirmation species of Jatropha curcas.

In the recent research now, what they can conclude is Jatropha curcas has the big potential to be a substitute oil in the future. In Malaysia, some industries willing to pay about RM9000/tone matrix jatropha seeds.

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